Services Provided


Treatment specialization includes:

Life Transitions
Self-Esteem and Empowerment
Somatic Awareness of Emotional Issues
Anxiety and Guilt Reduction Skills
Healthy Boundaries in Relationships
Communication Skills
Adult Children of Aging Parents
Grief Counseling
Transpersonal Growth

Maureen addresses a wide range of psychological issues. She offers a personalized approach to support each client's health and growth in a comfortable and safe environment.


" S.W.A.N.S."

Strong Women Also Need Support

Sometimes women are taught that "being a good woman" means always be strong, and that taking care of yourself is not as important as taking care of others. These beliefs were often learned in family systems, were modeled and inherited through generations, or were formed from challenging life experiences. Unconscious shadow beliefs, which are based on fear and judgement, can get in the way of receiving emotional support from others as well as giving it to yourself.

An effective way to actively change old limited beliefs is to process them through with like-minded women in a safe place where you can get heard and understood with compassion.

You are welcome to join the "S.W.A.N.S." support group. Free initial consultation.

Links & Resources

View recommended websites and other valuable resources.

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